Monday, March 10, 2025

29-year-old woman assaults daughter to death in Kwale

Police in Lunga Lunga, Kwale County have launched the manhunt of a woman accused of assaulting her daughter to death.

The 29-year-old woman identified as Mary Kioko is reported to have killed her 7-year-old daughter and was in the process of burrying her when the police jumped into action.

Reporting the matter to the police under OB number 15/02/24 was a village elder who overheard the suspect beating her daughter identified as Dorcas Mbithe Jotham to death.

“Around 9 p.m. on February 14, the suspect was heard assaulting her daughter using a chapati roller. Neighbours intervened, and the assault stopped,” read the police report

Immediately after the incident, the woman went into hiding and it has been established that she was planning to burry her daughter at her rural home located 30 kilometres away from where she lives.

“Upon inquiry, neighbours established that the suspect was in her rural home in Mrima village, 30 kilometres away, with the dead body of the minor, which she had ferried for burial.

It emerged that the suspect was in her rural home preparing the burial of the dead child. The suspect went into hiding after police raided their home and recovered the body of the child, which was wrapped in pieces of clothing with little blood stains on the mouth,” said the police

The body of the 7-year-old girl has been moved to Msambweni Referral Hospital mortuary pending autopsy.

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