Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Brown’s Food Company apologizes after female workers were stripped naked

Brown’s Food Company has apologized to all female employees who were stripped naked and to the wider public.

Through a statement, the company’s top management expressed their deepest apologies over what they term as an incident that happened right below their nose.

“We have apologized to the women involved and would like to apologize to the wider public as well.” read the statement from the company.

They further confirmed the suspension of three senior employees and a manager who were linked to the strip search of female employees following the discovery of a used sanitary towel at the wrong place.

“As soon as the matter was brought to our attention, the individuals involved were suspended,” read the statement

Brown’s Food Company continued by confirming they have initiated internal investigations and hired a HR company to handle the issue.

“The Company is engaging a third-party HR company to allow all employees a chance to discuss the matter with an external party. We are also engaging with experts on women’s health and sensitization to ensure our policies and trainings do not allow for such an incident to happen again,” said the company

Those arrested after the Thursday incident include the HR Manager, HR Assistant and the Quality Assurance Manager.

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