Sunday, February 23, 2025

COTU expresses support for alleged quack lawyer Brian Mwenda Njagi

The Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) has expressed its support for alleged quack city lawyer Brian Mwenda Njagi.

The organization has termed Brian as a young and brilliant Kenyan and call for a fair and transparent examination to test his knowledge skills, and competencies in the field of law.

“COTU (K) acknowledges that Kenya is home to a multitude of highly skilled and talented youth who have acquired their expertise through practical experience, self-study, and non-formal educational avenues.

These individuals, despite their outstanding abilities, often find themselves excluded from opportunities in the formal sector because the system typically prioritizes qualifications from traditional learning pathways.” read the statement

COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli admits knowing many greats experts in their fields yet they do not have any papers to show for and thus calls for the government to actualize Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Kenya.

“As a seasoned labour leader, I can speak authoritatively that Brian’s case is not unique. I know of many great engineers, accountants, teachers, IT experts, cybersecurity experts, social workers, creatives, footballers, farmers, immigrants, plumbers, carpenters, and paramedics who are specialists in their areas of interest yet without any paper to show their qualifications.

While some of them persevere the pains of being in a classroom to be taught what they already know, the majority don’t and thus end up being discriminated against.  

COTU (K) calls upon the government of Kenya to take this opportunity to actualize Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Kenya. RPL is a proven mechanism for recognizing the diverse learning pathways of our citizens and for harnessing the untapped talents that can drive our nation forward.  

COTU (K), finally, would like to inform Brian Njagi that we are available and ready to support him to ensure that his dreams are actualized.” read the statement

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