Friday, October 18, 2024

EACC obtains orders freezing Waititu’s assets and bank accounts

EACC has successful obtained orders from the High Court freezing bank accounts and assets of former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu.

The agency is seeking to establish the source of the family fortune which stands at Ksh 2 billion in an ongoing suit that will see the agency reclaim the assets back to the government.

“In addition, EACC has since obtained orders from the High Court freezing the family’s unexplained wealth amounting to nearly Kes.2 billion pending the ongoing civil suit seeking orders for forfeiture of the said assets to the State.” said EACC

The news follows new development into the Ksh 588 million graft case involving the former Governor, his wife Susan Wangari Ndung’u and 10 others. It has been ruled that the 12 have a case to answer.

“This week, the Anti-Corruption Court delivered a ruling in one of the multiple graft cases facing former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu Baba Yao, his wife Susan Wangari Ndung’u and 10 others.

In its ruling delivered on Thursday, the Court determined that the Waititus have a case to answer in the Kes.588 million tender scam.

In the previous Quarter, an additional file was forwarded to the DPP recommending prosecution of Ferdinard Waititu, his spouse and their daughter for embezzlement of public funds in Kiambu County.” said EACC

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