Saturday, February 22, 2025

EACC recommends prosecution of Lake Turkana Wind Power suspects

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) now recommends the prosecution of Lake Turkana Wind Power suspects in Ksh 18.4 graft charges.

The alleged theft of public money was committed between the years 2005 and 2019 as discovered by the Public Investment Committee (PIC) of the National Assembly who confirmed irregular payments, fraudulent payments and mismanagement of the 400KV power station.

As revealed by Citizen TV Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP) Ltd leased 150,000 acres of land to facilitate the construction of the wind power project.

In 2006 a feasibility study was conducted in Loiyangalani  before it was approved as the best source of project but nothing was ever completed despite the government paying billions.

“KPLC entered into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with LTWP Ltd on 29th January 2010 for the development of the Wind Power Plant (the LTWP Project). Among the terms of the PPA were that LTWP Ltd would generate 300MW of electricity, and that KPLC would be the sole taker (consumer) of that power.

However, a 400 KV Transmission Inter-Connector Line (T.I. Line) needed to be constructed from Loiyangalani to Suswa Sub-Stations, so that this generated power could be transported to the National Grid in Suswa Sub-Station.

Further that, if LTWP Ltd finished developing the Power Plant and started generating power, they would start charging for the power, whether KPLC were evacuating that power or not, from the date of commissioning. The T.I. Line was to be constructed by Kenya Transmission Company (KETRACO) and LTWP Ltd.” said a source to Citizen

If arrested, the suspects will face 15 counts of abuse of office , conflict of interest and two counts of willful failure to comply with the law relating to procurement.

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