Monday, March 31, 2025

High Court temporarily blocks deployment of police to Haiti

The High Court has on Monday temporarily blocked the deployment of police to Haiti until when a case filed by Thirdway Alliance Kenya and two others is heard and determined.

According to the petitioners, the country lacks mandate to deploy the police to Haiti or any other country until when there is public participation as entailed in the constitution.

The statement continues by taking note that Kenya does not have an embassy in Haiti at the moment and the issue at hand is sensitive and a serious matter of security of the country.

“As a matter of international notoriety, there is currently no elected government in Haiti. Kenya does not have an Embassy in Haiti.

The petitioners are playing with a sensitive and serious matter of security and behaving in a manner that suggests that they are not accountable to the people of Kenya for their decisions,” said the petitioner

The court ruling now gives the government three days to challenge the petition before it is heard and determined.

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