Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Kenya Pipeline issues 60 days notice to those encroaching KPC land

Kenya Power has issued a 60 days notice to those occupying its land to leave as it poses a great danger to human life, property and environment.

The notice follows an observation that people have built illegal structures and businesses on KPC wayleave areas making it impossible for the agency to conduct maintenance.

“These illegal actions severely obstruct KPC’s maintenance operations, undermining KPC’s ability to ensure pipeline safety, comprise the structural integrity of the pipeline, creating the potential for catastrophic failures and pose a grave an imminent threat to human life, property and the environment.” said KPC

Through a statement, KPC noted that those occupying the areas will not get any further notice upon the expiry of the 60 days window and will also bear the full cost of the removal process.

“As a responsible corporate citizen, KPC will not compromise any actions that jeopardize public safety or compromise the integrity of critical national infrastructure .

We are fully committed to safeguarding the pipeline system and will deploy all available legal and operational measures to ensure compliance.” said KPC

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