Parents storm school in Mombasa to push out board

It was business unusual at Nyali Primary school after parents stormed in to push out the school newly elected board.

A fist fight followed as the angry parents called on the board to leave at their own free will as they were not in agreement with their decision to stay.

The parents noted that the current board has overstayed their legal mandate of two years by staying for eight years accusing them of treating the school as their personal property.

“Parents voted out this board for mismanagement and overstaying in office as their term expired a long time ago. Our constitution states that you cannot be in office for more than four years, they have been in office for eight years,” said one parent

The school chairperson Benjamin Gitonga faced the wrath of the parents when he came to speak to them ahead of the arbitration process as ordered by the court.

According to Justice Olga Sewe of the Mombasa High Court, the newly elected should not resume its mandate until when the matter before the court is heard and determined. In the meantime, the outgoing board should continue with its mandate.

“Pending the hearing and determination of the petition herein, a conservatory order suspending the assumption of office of the newly elected management board of the Mombasa Parents Club/School is hereby issued,” said Justice Olga Sewe

Pending such arbitration, the outgoing management board of Mombasa Parents Club/School shall continue to oversee the running of the club/school,” she said

The parents lamented over the dilapidated state of the school and the dwindling results being recorded by their children shifting the blame to the board accusing them of doing nothing.

Mr. Gitonga on his part denied allegations of embezzlment of fund as he called on parents to speed up the arbitration process so as to allow quick commencement of activities at the school.

“How I wish that members would come together to have an arbitration, that is the process I am working hard to ensure commences so that we sort out this issue once and for all,” he said

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