Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Riandira patrol base closed over Ksh 2 million rent arrears

Riandira patrol base, located in Mwea-West Kirinyaga County has been closed over Ksh 2 million rent arrears and police evicited from their houses.

It has since been established that the police lived in the house rent free as provided by the late businessman Mwangi Thuita.

He however instructed the police to start paying rent in 2018 as revealed by her daughter Irene Njeri but after his death the officers have failed to pay the rent.

According to Irene, the rent has since accumulated to Ksh 2 million prompting them to evict the officers so as to bring in other tenants.

“Before my father died, he instructed the officers to start paying rent from 2018. The arrears have now exceeded Ksh.2 million, which is why we decided to reclaim our property and rent it out to others,” said Njeri

The news has however not been welcomed by residents who revealed that the police have ensured that the place is secure.

“Where are they going? They have greatly improved security here since 2016. What will we do now?” said a resident

Addressing the media was Mwea West Police Commander Rashid Ali who said that the area will now be served by Rukanga police post which is located four kilometers away.

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