Monday, March 31, 2025

University student leaders threaten to protest over abductions

University student leaders have threatened to hold a nationwide protest to protest the increased cases of abduction and delayed lecturers salaries.

Speaking was the  leadership of the Kenya University Students Association (KUSA) who called out the government for failing to act on matters abductions which have involved the youth who are part of them.

KUSA’s Teddy Omin Osano noted that the protest will be held on 15th January when universities across the country are set to re-open.

“Revolution is the voice of the unheard, revolution is the voice of the majority silenced and pressed. We are announcing that immediately the comrades of the universities resume, including the lecturers and staffers, we are going to stage demonstrations in the republic of Kenya,” he said

They continued by saying that the government reluctance to solve the rising cases of abductions has caused pain to many affected families. Also discussed was plans to have the cases taken to the International Criminal Court for trial.

”The Constitution of Kenya 2010, under Articles 29 and 49, clearly states that abductions are unlawful. International Criminal Law also recognises the same, providing a clause for such cases to be tried at the ICC,” they said

KUSA also called on the government to pay lecturers all their pending salaries failure to which learning will be paralyzed come January 15th.

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