Saturday, December 21, 2024

Waiguru condemns attack on Kirinyaga Woman Rep. Njeri Maina

Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru has condemned the attack on Woman Rep. Njeri Maina by unknown people during a public gathering on Tuesday.

Through a statement, Waiguru called on the police to take action against those who have committed the crime.

“It has come to my attention through the media that Kirinyaga Women Rep Njeri Maina was attacked by youth while going to answer to police summons.

I wish to condemn any acts of violence, and reiterate that, no matter the reason, we don’t condone or tolerate violence.”” she said

Njeri who was in Kerugoya town was attacked by a rowdy youth who inflicted head injuries on her forcing emergency treatment to a hospital in Nairobi.

Governor Ann Waiguru has been accused of sending the goons to the event for the purpose of causing chaos as witnessed.

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